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"This is the best training available on the topic of mental health."
"Departments should make 'Capturing the Load' mandatory."
"I recommend this course to every firefighter in the U.S.!"
"I like the openness of this course. It was honest and real life. This is a must-take class!"
"There is a lot of information in this course that can help you save a life."
"Ali kept my attention and made me excited for each lesson. I found this course really helpful for my department."
"Ali was knowledgeable and conveyed a genuine desire to connect with her students. Her introductory testimony gave her credibility. It was sincere and was very powerful."
"This is a good course for anyone in our industry. I feel that this should be added into basic and refresher EMT/Paramedic programs. People need to understand that this is a real issue in our field."
"'Capturing the Load' should be made mandatory for all first responders."
"I think each topic in 'Capturing the Load' was exceptionally well taught. This course is very educational for people facing hard times."